Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Todd Manning's Descent Into Madness Part 1

When Todd arrived in Port Charles last May to see Starr who had been arrested for trying to kill Sonny, it was quickly established in their conversation, the state of Todd's mental health.

Starr: So you murdered your own brother, and they just find you innocent?

Todd: No, not innocent, just not guilty by reason of insanity.

Starr: You're not insane.

Todd: Well, that remains to be seen. But my attorney was able to establish that I was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, on account of my mother never loved me and held me captive and tortured me.

Interesting response from Todd to Starr's "you're not insane", Todd’s "that remains to be seen" as if Todd is saying that there is a possibility that he could be, or that it could happen.

When Diane is trying to prove to the judge that Todd needs psychiatric help, she mentions twice that his stress disorder has resurfaced again.

Diane: Your honor, when Tea Delgado's baby died, my client was so traumatized that his stress disorder resurfaced.

Diane: Your honor, when my client found himself imprisoned for a kidnapping he did not commit, trapped again in a jail cell as he had been for those eight long years by his mother, he snapped. His stress disorder resurfaced again. That is why he attempted to bribe detective McBain. That is why he attempted to flee the hospital after being beaten half to death by his cell mate. He is in the grip of severe P.T.S.D., Your honor. He does not need more prison time. He needs psychiatric help.

So my question is, was it the baby switch, or being imprisoned again that has caused Todd's stress disorder to resurface? Or could it be something or someone else, that has caused Todd Manning to begin his decent into insanity. When did it begin, and could it have anything to do with Blair Cramer? Stay tuned.

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