Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Story--Through the Darkness

Yes, I'm back.  I have been writing since One Life to Live has been back on the air and I will get around to publishing what I have of that story at some point.  But, I realized, I jumped the gun with it.  I should have waited until the show had actually reached it's hiatus.  Not that I thought it would be so long, with no end in sight.  (I do believe, thought, that it will come back.)

As such, this is how I see the current story going.  We know a lot of the players involved, besides the Lord and Manning families.  And I'm trying something different in this story.  It's much more of a Jack and Blair story than a Todd and Blair story.  I'm out of my comfort zone writing this POV but I'm going to give it a try and stick to as true of characterizations as I can.

It's been pointed out on any Todd story, onscreen or in fanfictions, Blair and Jack get the short end of the stick.  I myself have been guilty of it with my writing, even though I try to avoid it.  So I'm going to do all I can to stay on point as we see Blair with Todd with her emotionally as she struggles with the physical separation.  But mostly, we are going to see Jack some to grips with being the not only the son of Todd Manning, but the grandson of Victor Lord.  And we'll see him use that cunning brain, one of the many traits he got from both his parents, as he begins to see the dangers that face him and his family.  

There will be appearances later on of Starr and even Todd, but for now, this is Blair and Jack Manning's time to shine.

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